Harrison Programming for Investors and Traders


About Us

Harrison is the principal of Harrison Programming. He is an expert programmer in TradeStation and MultiCharts Platforms. He and his associates specialize in advanced programming in these two platforms.

In his youth, Harrison developed a strong interest in mathematics and geometry. He participated and won mathematics competitions in high-school. In college, his favorite subjects were math and physics. Besides taking his normal math classes, he spent two summers working on various math and geometry problems with his much-older study buddies. When the microcomputer came out, he started programming in Basic as a hobby.

Harrison holds a post-graduate degree in engineering science with a strong analytical background. He devoted four years to computer modeling and programming for his graduate studies, where he developed a keen interest in programming. During the same period, another professor "borrowed" him to do numerical computation as part of a research project.

After trying out on engineering research, process improvement and project management for a few years, Harrison developed his personal life philosophy and a strong belief in doing what one loves and being specialized and skillful in what one does. He decided to return to what he loves to do most: Programming. Since then, he has channeled his interest and energy into programming for trading/investing applications. In the due course, he became skillful and gained the certification for TradeStation EasyLanguage Specialist. He received the TradeStation Developer Challenge Award for his work on Object-Oriented OrderTicket Automation. Later, he became a MultiCharts PowerLanguage expert and is listed with MultiCharts. At the same time, he gained the investing/trading background which enables him to connect and work effectively with clients.

Clients highly value Harrison's advanced programming and solution-development skills to create for them the programs and automation processes that they dreamed of, but did not find the right people with the specialized skills to develop. Harrison works with clients effectively as a team with trust and win-win relationship as the foundation.